What is the share code of Datagate Bilgisayar AŞ in Borsa Istanbul?


When was Datagate Bilgisayar AŞ founded?

It was established in 1992.

When did Datagate Bilgisayar AŞ go public?

It was offered to public in February 2006.

What is the latest shareholding structure of Datagate Bilgisayar AŞ?

Please click to access the Shareholding Structure.

Where can be found the financial information about Datagate Bilgisayar AŞ?

Please click to reach Financial Information.

What is the Dividend Policy of Datagate Bilgisayar AŞ?

Our Company's Dividend Policy, with the condition of not less than the rates that Turkish Capital Markets legislation indicated, is done according to long term growth & strategies, investment & finance needs, profitability structure and shareholders’ expectations, with the exclusion of extraordinary circumstances in economic conditions, by giving cash & free share or cash with specific percentage & free share with specific percentage.

In which sector does Datagate Bilgisayar AŞ operate?

Datagate Bilgisayar AŞ operates in the informatics, telecom and future technologies sector.

Who can shareholders call with questions?
Onur Kara
Investor Relations
What are the subsidiaries, percentage of ownership and capital of the company?
Affilite's Name
Share Rate
Despec Bilgisayar Pazarlama ve Ticaret A.Ş.
23.000.000 TL